RAFFLE for NEKO- Rain Barrel with Mural Art - ONE TICKET
(1 ticket - $30) We are selling raffle tickets for a beautiful hand-painted rain barrel to raise money for NEKO. NEKO is a multi-issue, member led, coalition bringing people together to organize around issues like housing and flood relief in the Northeast Kingdom. Mural artist, T. Ariel Goreau, will paint a wetland themed mural on the rain barrel.
(1 ticket - $30) We are selling raffle tickets for a beautiful hand-painted rain barrel to raise money for NEKO. NEKO is a multi-issue, member led, coalition bringing people together to organize around issues like housing and flood relief in the Northeast Kingdom. Mural artist, T. Ariel Goreau, will paint a wetland themed mural on the rain barrel.
(1 ticket - $30) We are selling raffle tickets for a beautiful hand-painted rain barrel to raise money for NEKO. NEKO is a multi-issue, member led, coalition bringing people together to organize around issues like housing and flood relief in the Northeast Kingdom. Mural artist, T. Ariel Goreau, will paint a wetland themed mural on the rain barrel.